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Local M S Quiz Sheet

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bellmc | 17:09 Tue 20th Jul 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Answers are games many of us played in the school yard or on the street as kids
No. 14. Omitting while turning sausage on the pan (8)


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am i having a thick moment again ,i see skipping = omitting but were do the sausages come in
It's a skipping song, similar to 'Jelly on a plate' - same tune.
thanks ,not heard of that x
Jelly on a plate jelly on a plate
With a wibbley wobbley wibbley wobbley
Jelly on a plate

Candles on a cake candles on a cake
Blow them out puff, puff, puff
Candles on a cake

Sausages in the pan sausages in the pan
Flip them over flip them over
Sausages in the pan

Sweeties in the jar sweeties in the jar
Gobble them up gobble them up
Sweeties in the jar

Money on the ground money on the ground
Pick it up pick it up
Money on the ground

we live and learn xx
I thought "sausage on the pan" was a lavatorial reference, LOL
Question Author
Thanks very much , I've never heard of that skipping rhyme

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