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Men: would you want to marry a woman if...

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Bbbananas | 14:15 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
She slept with you on the first date?
Not only that - but that she initiated it.
Not only that - but that she was positively rampant.


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Saltybanana forget it it's just the idiot whiffy in yet another twonames winding you up both of them that is.
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Oh god - this is getting riduculous. Two days in a row he's got me now. I shall have to learn...

Yesterday I really began to enjoy this AB lark - but now I'm having doubts whether I'll stay on here.

Thanks sir.knobby - you're a slight wind-up merchant (!), but you do it in an amusing non-nasty way and know when to stop. I'm baling out now...
You will get to learn what he is like and he cannot disguise how obnoxious and nasty he is in any other name.

Most of his other names have now been banned and newsdesk as well so they (that is asuming that they are not one) have had to make up a few green names on here.
Well i thought this was the start of the 21st century and not the end of the 19th century.

How arrogant to judge people by their sexual activity with other consenting adults.

Absolutely pathetic.

No matter what did or didnt happen id judge the woman on my feelings for her and hers for me.
And asif it comes into it possibly a year or evn 3 down the line .

Utter nonsense and stupid in my opinion.

DID THAT HELP ?�?�?�?�
My husband did.
Hubby did.
My husband did.
My husband did,
Well, that describes me on my first date with my now-husband.

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Men: would you want to marry a woman if...

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