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Ok Folks. I'm Signing Off For A Couple Of Weeks.............

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10ClarionSt | 02:07 Sat 14th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
.......whilst I go on my jollies to Woolacombe. I know you'll all miss me. You will though, won't you? I'll miss you too! LOL! :o)


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Have a good time 10C. See you when you get back.
Have a smashing holiday 10c x
Lucky old Woolacombe.
ael googles pics of Woolacombe and gets envious . . .
woolacombe je pense
est meilleur de la banlieu des ( champs des anges)

I hink angel meadows next to Irish town 1850 was intentionally ironic

hotter and drier
Spent many an enjoyable time in N. Devon and still have relatives there. Once spent a great jazz evening at the Lee Manor Country Club, just up the road from Woolacombe (cousin is a musician and is well known in the area amongst the jazz set). The house is now a private residence and is on the market, I believe. Have a good time. At least you won't be disturbed by night flying from what was RAF Chivenor ("Heaven in Devon") as the station is now a Royal Marine base.

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Ok Folks. I'm Signing Off For A Couple Of Weeks.............

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