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gl556tr | 05:48 Tue 17th Aug 2021 | Education
17 Answers
Is the not infrequent poor orthography found in messages on this site a reflection of our education in the UK?


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i use the spell checker and this saves many typing errors. Some don't check their spelling, maybe it's laziness, can't be bothered, or simply can't spell.
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true 1ozzy, lol
Why not just say 'spelling'- it sounds less pretentious
making a point probably....
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//Why not just say 'spelling'- it sounds less pretentious//
Orthography is the standardized procedure of a writing system, which includes punctuation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, etc. This means that spelling is only a part of orthography(spelling is part of a writing system), but orthography includes a lot more than just spelling.
Thanks. Just shows that it's better to be understandable which most posts are on here rather than use rarely used words most of us get by without needing
if it's only infrequent as you purport, then no
whoops, you say "not infrequent" :)
> Is the not infrequent poor orthography found in messages on this site a reflection of our education in the UK?

I hope it isn't. My understanding is that we are mainly older people on here so that doesn't really reflect on the current system does it?
I try to check what I right and how I write it but don't always remember. I suffer with fat finger syndrome so could end up with complete rubbish. I left school in 1967 so you can't blame it on present day education. Most people just want to get their point across and don't worry too much about how it's written. Perhaps they don't realise their posts are being marked!
Aha, mistake, mistake!! Wrong write/ right
By the way, I thought this post was about birds to start with.
It's more about Social media communication, I think. Most people can spell and use grammar- especially nowadays. But can also translate well enough for any mistakes. You wouldn't use the same way of writing on here, that you would use in a professional email.
Much on social media is barely readable, no caps, no punctuation, spelling (?), not to mention the initialisms. Plenty here sometimes. (-;

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