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Does Anyone Else Find These Spooky Or Eerie ?

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Stickybottle | 05:35 Tue 24th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Prof Hawking once said that we should be fearful of AI because it will one day replace humans and I have no reason to doubt him
How long before somebody gives a machine like this some weaponry and an artificial conscience ?


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odd more than anything, i confess i am not into robotics, and don't find the future filled with them all that hopeful.
As Carl Sagan famously stated,"“We have designed our civilization based on science and technology and at the same time arranged things so that almost no one understands anything at all about science and technology. This is a clear prescription for disaster”
its hard to believe they are robots.......
It gives me the creeps.
Once one starts singing "Daisy Daisy" I'm out of here.
I found it creepy too. I don't see what purpose they serve either.
I find that short film totally amazing, but by God they give me the willies !!
Click on the 'Do you love me' link at the end of the video. Those 'bots' can shake a mean leg :-)
This does not frighten me in the lest -no more than a wireless operated toy car. Robots are not Artificial Intelligence. Robots are programmed to do specific things like make cars and put tops on jars in factories. A.I. can be software based, its code that is taught to think for itself. Its in the very early stages and yes, I think A.I. has the potential to be very dangerous.
09:43 OMG they even had a canine one !
I think they have a horse as well lol! Don't think it would get a very high dressage score and it sounds like a bee in a jam jar
Ha ha not as good as the others by a long chalk and a bee in a jam jar describes it perfectly !
Looks like the "middle" lot of the Star Wars films (the Attacked Clones or something) with Zar Zar Binks (sp?). Cheap 90s animatronics.
the thing is a computer could never do something its not programmed or designed to do and AI you may see it like a self conscious but that self conscious can only compute what the designer allowed it to AI will never be self conscious they call it artificial intelligence because what seems like self conscious intelligence in the machine is actually just artificial lol
A.I. are being programmed to learn and teach themselves -a bit like if a toddler touches something hot they may avoid it next time. Toddlers are not hard wired to not touch dangerous objects -they have to be either told (programmed) or learn by mistakes. This is what A.I. is. Thing is they can learn millions of actions/consequences in 24 hours that would take a human years and years. An A.I. will correlate thousands of bits of information to perhaps tell a human they 'love' them, but this is based on information not emotion. This is why A.I. has the potential to be very dangerous in the future.
and don't imagine you'll get back in, Mozz
AI wouldnt work like that its impossible if a robot doesnt know what a gun is or how to pull the trigger then it wont be able to teach itself this new thing and if it was where would it store this information. then even if it did store that info how on earth would it process the implications from pulling the trigger kind of thing

computers and robots cant pull information out of nowhere that humans have learned the information would have to be uploaded into it originally
You best tell all that to my son who works developing A.I then lol! The code (thats A.I. to you) is capable of teaching itself through going through millions of bits of info -a bit like you looking on youtube how to wire a plug. It finds the info and then starts sequencing that info until it finally finds the correct procedure. Of course the code needs human input to start with but the whole point is that it finds the info and solves problems autonomously .
Neither spooky nor eerie, but utterly amazing. The advancements shown are astonishing.

Mozz - I'd be more concerned to hear "I've got no strings..." ;-)

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