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I'm Waiting For News Of A New Arrival

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pastafreak | 21:27 Thu 26th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
There's a new grand niece on the way. My nephews wife was due to deliver by casaerean this afternoon...NY time.
I know her name...but I'll wait until she's here.


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Really exciting pasta. We were delighted with a new wee person 4/ weeks ago :-)
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This will be my brothers 3rd grandchild...I'm very happy for him.
Pasta, is this the brother who was quite ill?
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Yes Anne. Still has a few after effects...but doing well.
Always exciting welcoming new life x
Lovely news, Pasta and great to hear your brother's doing well despite the after effects...x
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Alina Mae has arrived. First photo...with her thumb in her mouth. ♡♡♡
Lovely - I hope she has a happy and fulfilling life xxx
Lovely name, pasta. Many congrats to you and your's.
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Thank you all...I'll send on the good wishes. She was 8lbs 2oz....and a little Virgo like her great aunt. :)
Welcome to the World Alina, from another Virgo x
Big girl. .:-)
Lovely news, congratulations to all :-)

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