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Tarts And Vicars

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LeonBlank1995 | 10:42 Fri 27th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I have heard of these parties and saw one on Bridget Jones (which isn't that old really)but I do not believe I have ever known of one in real life.

Did they (or do they) really exist and if you have been to one, what did you wear?


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sadly no but i would have worn a white collar
Just a white collar!? Nothing else….. :-)
sorry gness, meant to add sandals
Well that's the tart part taken care of.
:-) doris went over the top dressing up so we never attended
yes, 50 years ago; can't remember.

jno jnr when younger (say 20 years ago) went to a lot of fancy dress parties - they seemed to be quite common then but I don't know if that's still the case
We’ve hosted, and been guests at, a number of murder mystery parties. At every one there’s been a vicar and some kind of tarty woman, does that count?
They used to go on, but like a lot of things, they have simply died out as times changed.
yeah common in the 70s and 80s went to several.
much like stag dos, Vagus?
Dunno jno, never been on a stag do, sounds feasible though ;)
Tarts and vicars. A stag night with comedian and strippers.
We had all this when I was at college.

As somebody said, it’s more of a historical thing
I went to one in the 70s - the men were the 'tarts' and the ladies dressed as vicars, just to put a twist on it
'Vicars and Tarts' was the theme for several college balls and discos back in my day (which means the early 70s). As Barry says, it was the guys who went as tarts and the gals who went as vicars.
I suppose we got the graduates we deserved.

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