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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:49 Sat 04th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
morning all, its the weekend round again, where does the time go. any plans for the day?
apart from a friend from NI calling me, i have nothing else in the calendar, but that might change, depends on the weather. The forecast yet again is for a sunny day, but who knows with this topsy turvey summer.


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I was like that emmie. I got it just for the phone and hated the fashion for texting. It’s like my right arm now, although I have to say since I dropped a phone in water as lost everything I copy important pictures to my desktop and I keep a paper diary and a paper address book.
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i lost data on the phone as well as laptop, so now its an address book that has all the important stuff in it.
Best way.
I back up mobile phones and computers to both the "cloud" and external hard drives.
To be sure, to be sure.
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i have no idea what to do today, apart from a friend phoning, if only you could tell what the weather would be like for the day, then one can plan around it. Had thought of popping up to Covent Garden to see if i can get a backpack from one of the stalls there, will see....
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
Morning all, just started a new craft project so my spare time is full for a few months. Haven't made a latch book rug for over 40 years and I had forgotten how much work it is.
Got to pop out for a couple of bits in a while but otherwise nothing else going on.
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morning Rowan
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what's a latch book rug?
Latch hook rug. It's using a special tool to knot yarn through a canvas. It gives a shag pile effect. But you can clip it shorter when it's finished.
Morning all. Got to go and fetch the paint the morning.

The kitchen people sent a skip yesterday morning without warning but now they've delayed until Tuesday. I suppose we've waited this long, one more day won't hurt.
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ok thanks Rowan

Morning Lcg... i guess not
Good morning everyone who is still around.

No Boaty or Minty today. Do you think they have eloped together?.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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