Treacle - I agree with you, but often the worst culprits are the fairer sex, especially if [in their opinion] they think someone's wearing something too long/short/loose/tight/too old/too young. I guess I'm like most blokes ideal is a short skirt stockings & high heels, they may well be a pain to wear but boy do they show your body off to its best. Having said that on the school run this morning I saw this woman - with a pushchair & 5 kids in tow - not by any means an unattractive person, but her skirt was so short you could actually see her knickers as she was walking along. Coupled with the fact she was wearing lace up boots and black socks! Perhaps that's a fashion statement. I don't know. I also reckon that if as the wearer of whatever you're confident in [a] what you have on & [b] yourself you can carry anything off. I take your point about you always have to look your best [or at least feel you do] and sometimes you don't always want to. Us blokes can go into the office without having had a shave or shower [ugh!]. I try to abide by what ny gran said, "If you can't say something nice, shut the f*ck up" Cheers xxx ;+)