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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:46 Mon 06th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
morning all, another working week for some, how are you today? anything on the horizon for Monday. I have nothing in the calendar but as always that can change, dependent on the weather, which if its anything like yesterday afternoon will be nice and warm.


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morning Paddy
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dtc, did minty e mail you or phone? as i have her e mail address and could send her a message.
Morning all.
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morning Naomi
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how are you today, anything planned?
Just shopping and filling my car up. I’m having real problems with my internet. So slow. I can’t even send emails much of the time. One of the ‘perks’ of living in the wilds I suppose. At least I can get on here with my phone. We’re going to look at other providers.
Hello, all good up there?
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morning 1ozzy
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not bad 1ozzy, its going to be a nice day i feel.

that's not good Naomi, perhaps a new provider can be of help?

Hope you're clairvoyant Emmie
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dtc if you look in, i have e mailed Minty, to see how she is, i hope it doesn't get worse for her.
Good morning everyone. Very misty down here. Visibility not good at all. However I expect it will clear later on.

Sorry to hear about Minty. I thought perhaps she and Boaty had eloped together and were keeping us in suspense by saying nothing. Yes, I think I can remember Minty saying she has had both jabs so hopefully this attack by the dreaded virus is a fairly mild one. Just shows how invasive it is.
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morning LJ
Morning emmie.
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on top of the long covid she has can't be anything but dire. I hope she e mails me to let me know how she is.
Doubt you'd find Minty in Boatys cellar surrounded by empty cider bottles Ladyj
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boaty tipple isn't cider i don't think 1ozzy, as to Minty i expect she is exhausted from all this wretched covid.
TD and a fine wine 1ozz surely.
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tullamore dew is Boaty fav drink..

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Good Morning Early Birds

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