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jennyjoan | 14:26 Sat 11th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I am finally getting around to filling out my form for a new driver's licence. New photo etc

Now it is asking for a certifier to sign the back of the photo certifying it is me. Then the profession of the certifier, now to just get this thing posted off - would my neighbour be ok as a BUILDER. Thanks


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There's a list here for you JJ.
I seem to remember that the person has to have known you for a certain number of years.
It's only 2 years they need to have known you for.
It doesn't mention builder but it does say dentist or optician if that's any use to you.
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thats right Barsel - the person has to know you for over two years but looking at that list - since I have left work for 16 years now (Civil Service) - and there are not that many professions mentioned there that would know me for over two years. Years ago I coulda gone to a priest, nuns.

My neighbour's daughter is a Civil Servant and knows me a life time so I'll get her to sign it on Monday - just wanted rid of the bloody form.

thanks anyway Barsel
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Specsavers wouldn't know me like personally and I do not want to go back to dentist to bother him with such trivia if you get what I mean. I'll go for the daughter.
jenny, read what it says here:
//if your appearance has not changed since you got your last driving licence - you can send in a passport type photograph without certification which means without a signature from an authorised person//
If needed, you can get a shopkeeper to sign it
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ok Mamy - upon reading that - because it is a RENEWAL - I don't need it certified. I'll go ahead and post without the certification and sure if it is wrong - they can send it back. thanks again.
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Ellie - it is 10 years since my last photo - LOL - but throwing bouquets at myself - I haven't changed that much - coulda be doing with colouring my hair a bit but the big face is still the same. Cost me bloody £5.00. LOL
barsels link is not for getting a driving licence
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Aye I know Bed - it is a renewal so I'm going to post it with two photographs both uncertified. They'll do rightly.

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