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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:46 Thu 16th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
morning, i hope you are all doing well and are in good health, have a happy day whatever you might have planned.


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be careful of those lions, especially before feeding time....have a good one, minty xx
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have a lovely day out Minty
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
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anyone have any plans for the day, its cool but trying to be sunny, with clouds breaking up to leave a blue sky.....

Hope that link worked.

Gotta love blue skies
Nothing planned today. Workmen working in the garden but apart from keeping them supplied with regular cups of tea and packets of biscuits, I keep out of their way.
I've just listened to it all the way through.
Maybe I should have chosen the Willy Nelson version;-/
Morning all, it’s our 33rd wedding anniversary today so we went out with our sister in law and brother in law for a gorgeous meal and a bottle of good wine last night, it’s our last day on this beautiful island which is like a second home, we have a nightmarish flight though ,we won’t get home till the early hours so tomorrow will be a late lie in the wash, wash,washing :0)))
Happy anniversary Bobbi. What did you have to eat?
I had a prawn cocktail starter which was delicious with diced apple and segmented oranges in it, followed by the Stroganoff with a ramekin of rice then a baked Alaska for four which Domingo set alight when he ignited what tasted like Pernod on it, a truly lovely evening we had
Thank you for your good wishes xx
Sounds splendid. I'd like to try that prawn cocktail. That's a favourite for me.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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