If change is the reason for the opposition by some people to Brexit, the problem they also seem unable to grasp is that "no change" was never an option. The EU does not do the status quo.
If you think that's incorrect, look at the EEC (as it then was) in the 1980s and look at the EU now. There have been enormous changes in that organisation's influence on its member nations but they largely go unnoticed because the Euromaniacs' strategy is one of change "salami style." Each change is just a little step, so it can be fairly said "but it's scarcely any different to what we have now." But when examined end to end, the changes are very significant. There were two major step changes (Maastricht in 1992 and Lisbon in 2009). Certainly the second and arguably the first should have been put to a referendum as both involved profound changes to the UK's constitution. But there was always the risk that the wrong answer may have resulted. It wouldn't have mattered too much as both France and the Netherlands held a referendum and voted against Lisbon's predecessor - the "European Constitution".- in 2005. It resulted in that idea being ostensibly abandoned (but in fact simply relabelled as the Treaty of Lisbon). Neither country was afforded a referendum following that relabelling but Ireland held one (only because their constitution demanded it). Following an initial rejection the voters were asked again and eventually came up with the right answer.
The EU doesn't have a very good record when asked to abide by referendum results it does not like. The majority of Greek voters rejected conditions for a financial bailout from the EU (which was largely necessary because of Greece's EU membership and their adoption of the Single Currency). However, shortly afterwards the Greek government accepted a bailout with even harsher conditions than those that were rejected.
That's why it was so important that the result of our 2016 referendum was followed through, and even more important that we left and remain out. Anyone believing staying in the EU would see no change for the UK was every bit as deluded as the Remainers suggest those who voted to leave are.