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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:55 Thu 23rd Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
morning all, its another early start but coffee on the go and here we are. I hope you are ok and in good spirits, and that your day whatever you may be doing, is a good one.


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I know what you mean, minty. Great to be able to get out and about again.
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good luck Minty, hope it's not too onerous a shopping trip
luckily they are all quite close to each other and knowing the layouts it doesn't take too long to whizz around...the kitchen looks like a foodbank when I'm sorting it all out though !
Good morning everybody.
morning Paddy xx
When I lived in a village I ran a Good Neighbours group for years to shop, do hospital runs, and all sorts. I like a community spirit.
living in a cul de sac we kind of have our own wee community Naomi
Good morning all.
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morning Paddy
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morning Danny
morning Danny xx
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what i have discovered is that there is still a somewhat village type atmosphere in Bloomsbury, i have got to know some locals and near neighbours, friendly and helpful.
time to wriggle..see you later xx
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have a good day Minty, bye for now...
I moved from the village several years ago but I’m still involved there albeit to a lesser extent. Taking people for covid vaccinations is the latest.
Are you and Bobbi still planning to meet up when she comes to London, Emmie?
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i hope we can Naomi, its in November as i recall and if she has time we could meet for a coffee.
She said she's done the tourist thing before so hopefully she'll be able to make time.
Morning, I hope we can too Emmie x
I’ve had a restless nights sleep, flu jab done yesterday and I tend to sleep on my left side, no lumps where it went in but I could feel a dull ache which triggered all sorts of weird dreams about injections ( haha) consequently I’m very tired still

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