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Going Off My Christmas Thread

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Bobbisox1 | 12:58 Fri 24th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Is there a toy that you can vividly remember getting as a child, I remember getting roller skates and a Timex watch when I was 11 , the roller skates were the ones with a toe cap that had laces ,


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i did for years ,can't remember what happened to it. (is that you in avatar ?)
A really lovely maroon doll's pram that my parents must ave saved all year for and my Mum had made a pillow and quilt covered in pale blue satin and she had embroidered a pattern on it. I absolutely loved it
mally, I had a JB printing set too. Mum wouldn't take her eyes off me (and where my hands went) once the stamp pad was in use :)))
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Yes it’s me ( story behind it ) ;0)))
Sussed me Dave ;-)
we have the same colour and hair style ( i have any thing resembling a curl cut off )
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Haha , actually my hair is wavy too Mally and every time a curl appears, it’s off :0)))
Yes I got skates too. I also remember getting one year a tricycle and it had a kind of boot at the back.
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Margo I bought my daughter a replica navy silver cross pram with the fringed canopy ,a bag that clipped on and a shopping tray underneath
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I go one of those Sharon in red and yellow, yeukkk haha x
I had a Jonny 7 OMA rifle for christmas when they first came out. Thought it was the best.
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Do little boys still get guns and holsters I wonder TSM?
I doubt it these days bobbi.
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That’s what I was thinking too, my brother used to frighten the life out of me with hose caps that went bang

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Going Off My Christmas Thread

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