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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:48 Mon 04th Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
morning, its another start to the week, and its raining by the sound of it, i hope it stops later as i have to go out. I hope you are well and in good spirits, must find another word as it makes it seem as though i am encouraging you to drink, lol. Anyone have plans for today?


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I spend a fortune at Cotton Traders..good quality !
Good morning everybody.
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yes it is, and they have some lovely clothes for women, its the one place i spend a lot,
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morning Paddy.

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i am off out early, as i have a phone call later from the GP surgery at 3pm, so sooner out, sooner back

have a lovely day all - weather has improved its now blue sky.... whoo
morning Paddy xx
byeee emmie xx have a too time to get on...xx
Morning all, just a quick check in - overslept this morning but I now have the paper to hand and coffee on the brew.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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