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Countdown Today

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elliemay1 | 13:14 Fri 08th Oct 2021 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
There's a brilliant contestant on Countdown this week. Today he's hoping to become an octo-champ. Worth a watch if you would like to learn some new words!


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Sorry - it's okay learning new words, it's remembering them that's my problem. He is very, very good. I did wonder if he has an eidetic memory.
I think he must have a photographic memory. The young man that became octo-champ a couple of weeks ago also impressed me
eidetic - must remember that for my Scrabble games :D
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He won and is now the No.1 seed.
He probably has a photographic memory aka eidetic!
He obviously reads these words and not hears them because he often can't pronounce them.
Wish I could remember obscure words so easily, I'd trounce my Scrabble partners
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I noticed that too barry. He also didn't know the meaning of one that he put forward
I don't know the meaning of a lot of my Scrabble words :D

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