garden quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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garden quiz

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suequiz | 10:37 Fri 15th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
clues to items 'in the Garden'
any suggestion welcome
Many thanks Sue

a mother-in-law
painful to the fingers
who survived the forest fire
a bishop may wear one

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mother-in-law may be sanseveira
Painful to the fingers
Could that be Chillies ?
painful to the fingers - foxglove?

Do you know the number of letters in each answer?
bishop - mantle (plant) possibly
painful to the fingers - thorns, nettles, holly, brambles

bishop - LADYS MANTLE Plant Alchemilla vulgaris
I gave incorrect spelling in first post - should be -SANSEVIERIA
who survived the forest fire - Bambi, but can't find any plants

There is a flower called " bishop's hat ", and what about " snapdragon " for the mother-in-law !
Painful to the fingers - " touch-me-not " ?

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