Just a couple of things to add.
The problem with your lounge rads, Smow, and maybe some of the other symptoms, suggests the rads need balancing.
All that means is that some rads are being greedy. They use the available flow of hot water, and starve the others in the room.
As for the controls - the wall dial and the rad TRVs do very different jobs. I'm afraid that, by fiddling with them, you're just making things worse. Crudely speaking, they're trying to override each other.
Up until a few years ago, there was no requirement for a wall control. You just had TRVs on each rad. You set the "volume control" for each room separately using the TRV. It worked fine.
Then, the politicians decided they needed to be seen to contribute to energy saving.
They re-introduced wall thermostats. A stat that controls the whole house is useless. You just cannot "average" the whole building's temperature out. Personally, I would get rid of it, and just leave it to the TRVs. (Especially in a 3 storey house. The idea of something near the front door controlling the top floor is crazy.)
Without the wall stat, you can set each room's TRV by trial and error, and leave it at that.
For a lounge, just wind the TRV up and down to suit.
The boiler senses the returning water from the rads. If it's cool, the boiler comes on. If hot, it doesn't. But, only within your timer settings. It won't come on if it's being told that it's not time for it yet.