re Metacam in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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re Metacam

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kita1 | 19:39 Sat 20th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
Thanks for everyone's advice. I have done a search on Metacam on the internet and came up with some interesting cases. One ladies dog died from it. In America there have been lots of cases. Seemingly you are not supposed to give other similar drugs with it (eg Asprin) and you have to give at least 24 hours clear of other NSAID's. Vets are advised to give the dog a thorough check before giving it, they are not supposed to have any liver or kidney problems. At the first sign of any side effects you are supposed to stop treatment. This does not guarantee recovery. There is no way of knowing which dogs will react to it in a negative way, it is pretty much a matter of luck. I know it has helped alot of animals, but I feel that my dog was doing OK on Glucosamine and Green Lipped Mussel, with the odd Asprin on really bad days. There is a good article about it and Rimadyl on www.K9magazine.com. There has also recently been an outcry about the human versions of these medicines (if they cannot get the human ones right what chance to animals stand?). I have decided to leave it for now and continue with natural cures that have no side effects (at least until he really needs something more). All your advice was very much appreciated. Thanks.
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The smell of metacam though is my favourite smell in the world!
Eeuugghhhh - I hated the smell of Metacam! It kept my lovely old lady pain-free and healthy for a good number of years though.
There is a new NSAID made by Novartis called Deramax. It tends to e a bit easier on the gastro-intestinal system, but still thins the blood.
If it is arthritis that your pet suffers from i could recomend Cartrophen. It is a monthly injection after the initial 4 weeks of once weekly injections. It works like perra canis (green lipped muscle) to lubricate the joints and help with arthritis. It has no side-effects that i can bring to mind and the injection is subQ so it doesn't hurt. At least most of the dogs I give it to don't notice.
It is a shame to hear that dogs have died due to the side effects of metacam. The vet should have been doing 2 exams and bloodpanels a year in order to prevent things like that.
I should also mention that it would be better to keep metacam at home as opposed to Aspirin as it is safer. I have not located the earlier thread so i do not know the whole of your pet's reaction to metacam.
rimadyl ..mmmm... i walked my 6 year old bull mastiff to the vet with a swollen leg after stumbling chasing a cat the night before. She was given an injection of rimadyl at 18:30, the following morning i woke to find her in a pool of vomit and diarrhoea, after 5 days on a drip and renal failure (and strict instruction not to give her any more rimadyl)
i had no option but to make a heartbreaking decision and have her put down.
After researching rimadyl on the net (the day after her rimadyl injection) and even looking at pfizers' site (the manufacture) if found that although the vast majority of dogs it is used on do fine, death is a side effect for the unlucky few, this is cleary stated by pfizer! I was not informed about this prior to her injection by my vet. Subsequently after "throwing my teddies out of the cot" in my vets direction i have not recieved their intended �850 bill.and currently persusing them for compensation.

Have a look at these sites,


http://www.rimadyl.com/display.asp?country=US& lang=EN&drug=RC&species=CN&sec=660

or just go into google and type in ' history of rimadyl' and make your own mind up.

just wish i new about the drug before it was administered and wish my vet had told me, rather than 'she will sleep better tonight' . Wasnt expecting her not to wake up!!!!


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