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lashley | 11:10 Sat 30th Oct 2021 | Crosswords
8 Answers
last few-answers and parsing please as i've spent forever on this!
6d in a welsh village death of a girl and two partners 5 E?A?S
8d egotistical gilbert 's beginning to suffer new mood swings 6 ?S?O??
17d old etonian's main point about rejected manuscript 6 P?M?T?
14a hughes's tale using extreme characters in difficult surroundings 2,6 ?N/?A?A??


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6d Evans (the Death; Under Milk Wood) - 'Eva' + 'n(orth) s(outh)' (partners in Bridge, eg)
17 Psmith Wodehouse character
8d Osmond - anag 's(uffer; beginning) n(ew) mood'
14a In Hazard - 'A Z' (extreme characters, in) 'in hard'
14 In hazard Richard Hughes
Sorry LIK didn't scroll was busy googling.
No problem, cashier :-)
many thanks

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