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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:48 Sat 30th Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
140 Answers
morning, Saturday the start of the weekend, i hope you are all well and in good spirits.


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Morning MT. You just caught me as I was crawling back into bed.

I can barely eat a thing. I haven't weighed myself but pyjamas are pretty baggy.

Yesterday I felt like my head was being kicked down the road and I too have a case of polypharmacy going on!

On the brightside I had just enough energy to sit up in bed and order myself a Barbour jacket. Emmie has corrupted me... x
morning Margo xx

get some sleep Lcg xx
Morning all.

I hope you start to feel better soon LCG.

What a miserable morning here. The dog is (thankfully) refusing to go out for his morning walk. He hates getting wet.
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i love Barbour jackets but generally find them too expensive.... CT do similar for half the price.
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morning Rocky
morning Rocky xx

I have several of the CT barbour type coats in various colours...
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it's still pizzing down here and i should go out, but my friend from NI is calling me this morning at 11.30 so will be in for that at least.
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so do i Minty, i love their clothes.
just got their new catalogue delivered yesterday... will have a peep
Hope you feel better soon LCG, it's certainly floored me I can't remember the last time I felt this ill, just hope it clears soon. Absolutely bucketing down here
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as mentioned i have bought my CD outfit from them, i have their catalogue, and deciding on whether to buy anything else, with the rebate i got from my energy company. Though that is probably going to be used to go down and see the family at Xmas.
I have an ankle length waxed genuine Barbour coat which I absolutely love but hung in a wardrobe with other coats the smell of it tainted all the rest. The other coats dry cleaned and a good airing of the Barbour cured it - but it's no longer hung in the wardrobe. Just a word of warning.
my waxed jackets hang from pegs in the hall Naomi..they need to breathe !!
time to wriggle..have a great day folks xx
They certainly do, minty! Have a good day.
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bye Minty have a grand day.. don't get too wet if you do go out.
Just caught yous, wet and miserable here but it’s cheered me seeing Lcg posting ( you can’t keep a good one down ) even though she’s poorly, I hope you’re on the mend very soon lcg I’ve missed you’re cheery threads xx
I've just seen Lcg's post...welcome back!
It reminded me that there's some sort of 'cold from hell' going around that double vaxxed people are getting. Sounds horrendous.
Doesn’t it Pasta? I’m in London next week so I’m hoping I can avoid any nasty beasties that are circulating
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