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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:45 Mon 01st Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
111 Answers
morning - Monday already, the start of the working week for some, how time goes by. I hope you are all well and that you have a good day whatever you may be doing. I have no plans for the day, it's been wild and wooly out there weather wise and i don't feel much like battling the elements today.


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no' bad ta xx
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waiting to hear from the muscular/skeletal team as to any scans i do need.
time to wriggle ..have a great day folks xx
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bye Minty, have a lovely day,
Bye Minty.
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time for a shower, back shortly....
Time for me to go so bye all. Take care and have a good day.
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that's a bit better, now for some breakfast....
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bye LJ, have a great day
It's goodnight from me
It's goodnight from him.
Night 1ozzy x

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Good Morning Early Birds

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