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HFJL2020 | 13:06 Thu 04th Nov 2021 | Technology
2 Answers
i got a hv30 camera does anyone know of a website where i can buy a micro memory card and adpter tia


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I've always found this a good place for memory cards:

The HV30 only accepts mini SD cards. They're NOT the same as micro SD cards. (Manual here: ).

Mini SD cards are quite hard to come by these days, as their maximum capacity is only 2 GB. To the best of my knowledge, only used cards are now available. If you want to buy such a card though, see here:

Since the HV30 was only designed to be used with a maximum memory capacity of 2 GB, it's impossible to know whether it will actually work when more memory is available to it. (Many devices have a maximum memory size that they'll work with). However if you want to give it a go, you can buy a mini-to-micro SD card adapter here: .
You'll then need a micro SD card to go into it. I buy mine here: User Recommendation

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