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For Gness . . .

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Buenchico | 23:39 Fri 12th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
. . . and for anyone else who fancies a bit of country music with a distinctly Irish twist!

I found this and immediately thought of you, Gness ;-)



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Very good, I enjoyed that Chris
Ohhh theres summat about those Galway gals.
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Thanks, Tony ;-)
Fabulous Chris, let's hope Gness has her dancing shoes on.
Great stuff!
Filmed on Shop Street, Galway.
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Thanks, all.
Great Chris. Maybe some ABers haven't seen the supermarket one.....
I’m half Irish - does that count? ? : ) lol
Certainly does, Smow. Even more so if the Irish half is from Galway ;-)
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Thanks for the posts, all.

Half Irish? The best I can manage is half cut ;-)
Close enough! ; )
Wow! Thank you, Chris. Loved that and yes....dancing shoes were on.

Love Galway. Just before Covid Dave and I had a great break there. Little did we know it'd be an age before going back...but we will...x
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I'm glad you enjoyed it, Gness. Perhaps, in these days of doing everything remotely, you could become AB's official choreographer and get us all making total prats of ourselves . . . erm, I mean 'dancing'?
Even better,'re good at finding odd stuff.

You could choose something for us all to dance to every day....I'd make sure Dave joined in..... :-)
I'd make sure Dave joined in..... :-)

Weth'er he wants to or not.
Only ever seen Dave dance once. He was sitting in a pub in Mayo when an old not me...made a beeline for him and dragged him onto the dance floor. She was about four foot've seen how tall Dave is...they made an..... interesting couple.
LOL, that sounds just like my ( late, loved her to bits ) aunty Joan grabbing me at every family function and making me dance to Abba's Dancing Queen with her. She was our family's version of Princess Margret to the royal family. She was /had been a real party gal.
Thanks, I enjoyed that.

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For Gness . . .

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