Having been both comfortably off and very poor I can tell you that quite possibly the difference in the way you are treated and the level of arguments in the two households is down to money. Whilst I value the things in life that money cannot buy ( friends,family etc) money is a very necessary evil and if there isn't enough of it to give the people within a household what they need with some left over for recreation then there will be row after row and you'll never see the true characters of the people involved because they will be worried sick all the time and under immense stress. You say your parents argue over money, which implies that your Mum thinks your Dad doesn't pull his weight with maintenance. If he's paying either none or not enough maintenance then I think it would be a betrayal in the extreme to go and live with your Dad who would be being able to show you this great , "spolied rotten" time on what in effect would be your Mum's money.
If your Dad IS paying an acceptable amount then things are a little less clear cut, but none the less you need to think carefully, and clearly deep down you DO have doubts about it or you wouldn't have asked the question. A spoiled rotten upbringing is imho a really undesireable upbringing, as if you get too used to it, the real world will be one hell of a shock.