I thought that I would start a new thread about the Botswana elephants as navigating between the two previous ones was a little cumbersome. I emailed Camp Kuzumo regarding the activity of the back-hoe around the watering-hole, and they replied saying that it was enlarging the whole prior to the start of the rainy season in November: https://www.earthcam.com/world/botswana/chobe/?cam=campkuzuma
There hasn't been any for the last couple of days Mally although usually there are loads. The camp explained to me that once the rainy season starts about now there are other water supplies available so they don't use his one so much in our winter
A few minutes ago two elephants strolled around part of the watering-hole and, without taking a drink, just ambled off to the left of the screen:) Keep on checking in, mallyh, and I'm sure you see elephants hanging around.