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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:30 Fri 26th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
103 Answers
morning, Friday already and the working week is almost over for some. I hope you are all well and in good spirits. I am earlier than normal as I couldn't get back to sleep. So if you are about and can't sleep, keep me company. I have coffee on the go, and that will do for now,
do you have any thing planned for today? I am going to have a quiet day i suspect, as i was out much of yesterday.


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aww poor wee dog..
okay, time to be moving, my little thirty mile saunter there and thirty back - meeting at about 10 - but a DT and coffee needed first. Have a good one, all.
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bye dtc, have a good day

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Good Morning Early Birds

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