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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:44 Wed 01st Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
135 Answers
morning, Wednesday already and the 1st of the month, it's going so fast. I hope that you are all in fine fettle and that your day is a good one. Any plans for today, other than perhaps those who are working.



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Housework can be a bit of a chore but doing it regularly makes it less so. I like the result at least. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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i know... all i can think of is trying to stay healthy and getting down to the family in one piece this year.
I'm sure you'll get there. Not long to go.
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counting the days, have been putting clothes aside already, must make a list of what to take. I haven't seen them in 16 months so it's time we got together...
I think there are a lot of people in the same situation. I haven't seen some of my family for over two years. Our regular get togethers organised in various homes about three times a year have gone completely to pot.
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i know that if the plans go awry i will be devastated. I am aware others are in the same boat.
Luckily my daughter lives at the top of my street , the apple didn’t fall far from the tree ;0)
We will do as we do every year, go to theirs, have a Buck’s Fizz and bacon sarnie in a bun, her and me do the veggies, I’ll have cooked the Turkey here on CE, we have Christmas music gently playing in the background,son in law ( the best ) Grandad and grandson will be sorting the table out then we all sit with a Baileys coffee and relax
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sounds great Bobbi, we are going to my nieces new house, where i am sure my SIL will be helping out as usual, and have a nice dinner, as we always do.
I want it to be good for all those that have missed so much , last year my stepson was coming here from Norwich and had to cancel at the last minute , he got his Christmas presents in June, I even put a Christmas tree up for his arrival :0)
Em will you explain your comment on this thread about you don't get predictive text on a laptop please? Ta.
Hi Ladybirder :)
I didn't realise predictive text is a possibility on a laptop but apparently it is!
Predictive text can be turned off ... can't it? I think so.
Yes it can be turned of on all devices
I know it is Choux thanks, that's why I queried it;-) I didn't see what difference being on a laptop would make. Mine is a MacBook Air Laptop and predictive text drives me potty. I've got it turned off on my email but it still happens. Scream!!!
I cannot stand it either. Mind you, my texts are short and sweet, to the point. :)

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Good Morning Early Birds

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