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-SharonA- | 13:27 Fri 03rd Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I have been unable to send any comments I've made on friends threads due to the 'post' button being disabled (not blue).
What have I done?????


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All friends or just certain ones?
normally you press the 'message' button
If you're trying to post through a web browser (rather than via a dedicated mobile app), it might be worth clearing its cache (and/or trying a different browser). That sometimes fixes such problems.

If you need instructions, please say which browser you're using.
Question Author
It is all friends and I am using Chrome browser.
The message button is no enabled.
so you go on your mates profile and the blue message button on the right is disabled? All your friends? cos if it's just one then they've changed their settings on purpose or by mistake to stop people posting on their wall.
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Thanks, all sorted. I thought for a while I was suspended!!! Lol.
Dunno what I done, but it seemed to have righted itself.

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