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I’m A Celebrity…

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Arksided | 21:14 Sun 05th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Ok a lot of bizz compared to other years in the jungle, but dear me the first to be voted out has to be ‘naughty bore’


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Oh no it isn't!!
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Arlene was a dear, goody goody boy is annoyingly boring and should go see his Mummy.
it is so obvious his trials are easier ,why did matty have to eat 4 testicles ,naughty could have shared that trial and eaten 2.hope he goes soon and give others the air time .
I used to love this programme but tbh I’ve given up on this year - it’s so boring when the same person gets all the trials, and why does NB not only keep getting picked, but have easier trials??
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I haven’t given up with it yet but do agree with you both.
cant stand the guy but he's made a fortune £2.8 million as a record producer

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