Had to go to Asda yesterday, and duly put my face mask on before I went in. Really surprised that about a third of customers (of all ages), were not wearing masks. There were several security men by the door offering masks but not doing anything about those who refused. If you ask why they are not doing anything the stock answer is "We cannot force them and have no legal authority".
Surely it is up to the owners to make it compulsory for entry,(unless you have proof of medical exemption), or is financial gain more important. I wish there was a way of fining both the stores who allow it, and those who put others at risk.
Sorry about what seems to be a rant, but feel quite strongly about this.
What do others think?
But if burleyshirley chooses mot to wear a mask and is positive its affecting others- she could infect someone like ladybirder so no need to apologise just because others don't think of others
Fair enough birleyShirley sorry I misinterpreted your 'I'm not bothered', but 'Shirley's we should be bothered if we'er put at unnecessary risk by those who delibretly flout the mask requirements
I have said before I could identical exemption to get out of wearing a mask, and sometimes I really struggle with them but I wear one in shops and On public transport and in crowds. I have the right not to wear one but no right to infect others who may be vulnerable orders for someone who is.
//How is this law different from shop staff refusing to sell tobacco products and alcohol to persons under a certain age ?//
Because if the staff sold age-restricted goods to somebody under age they (the staff) would be breaking the law themselves. So they have to make the checks to avoid breaking the law.