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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:49 Thu 09th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
morning, Thursday already, where is this week going. I hope that you are all well and that you have a good day whatever you may have planned. I will be having another quiet one i think, as I am trying to save the pennies for the coming weeks festivities. Besides the weather is somewhat erratic, though at least it didn't rain yesterday.


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Good morning all. Smow move the poientsettia. Not good for cats. Get fake ones
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morning calmck
DTC, I get the impression that people, in general, are no longer interested in their neighbours' welfare.
Good luck William.
Right, I’ll move the poinsettia!!
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not so sure about that Naomi, many people have bent over backwards to help out during the lockdown, Minty helps her neighbours because they are elderly, and she does their shopping. I would like neighbours, but the flat next door is currently empty.
'fingers crossed' is probably not the right expression to use when it comes to a prostate examination...

Just remember this one: 'A man goes for a prostate exam.
The doctor is checking him out when he finds a roll of £50 notes stuffed up the patient's rear. He pulls out the money and counts it.

“You’re not gonna believe this, but I just found a £1000 shoved up your rear end!”

The man says, “Well that makes sense. That’s why I haven’t been feeling too grand.”

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oh dear dtc...
I think lockdown has helped to improve community 'spirit' but that it starts from a low level, one that has declined over the years - I know that this is a generalism. Of course, there are hot spots but they are fewer than there used to be.
One has to boost William's morale, emmie!
I think lockdown has helped improve community spirit in towns but in the country it never went away - perhaps because people stay longer.
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we did know most of our neighbours when i was a child, my mums friends became my God parents. Sadly that has indeed gone now. I would like to know more people, but how to reach out?
DTC that did make me laugh!
It's easier in villages, emmie. Amongst other things I ran a Good Neighbours scheme in my village and had several volunteers willing to do shopping and hospital runs and all sorts for other people. I've moved out now so someone else has the reigns - but it's still thriving and I still do the odd stint - like taking the elderly for their jabs. No one in a village like that ever need be alone and without help. It's actually rather comforting.
my old village worked very well during lockdown, centred on the village shop coordinating things - bit like naomi's

Anyway time to be off - a load to get to the new place - without falling over, I hope. Have a lovely day.

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its good to do that Naomi. My friend came with me when i had to have a colonoscopy, as i had to have someone there as i had anesthetic for the op, it was nice of her to accompany me home.
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bye Dtc, have a good day..
Enjoy your trip, DTC. ;o)

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