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blackberry jam.!!!

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ibizaboy | 20:45 Fri 15th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
as sad as it may seem, can anyone tell me where i can buy a jar of blackberry jam.!! i dont want jelly or bramble just black(berry) jam. ive tried over 10 different retailers and none sell a single kind by any manufacturer.
i suppose i could always make my own..................
thanks in advance .......ian.


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Couldn't find any myself so my son picked some blackberries himself and made some for me with his aunty during the school holidays. Its rather nice. Could sort you out with the recipe if that is any help!!
Tesco's sell this make ibizaboy here (:o)
I saw some in Morrison's in Ipswich this morning, I can't tell you ther brand though.
I'd have said bramble and blackberry were the same thing - blackberries grow on brambles.

But blackberries are not really a commercial crop - why not make your own as you say? Even in a city it shouldn't be that difficult to find somewhere to pick some.
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believe it or not ive found some.!! many thanks though to vinny100_2, for highlighting hartleys. ive found some good old fashioned blackberry jam "more fruit than sugar!!" on E BAY.!! and the seller is only 5 miles from my home. at last............

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blackberry jam.!!!

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