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jennyjoan | 16:26 Thu 16th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
When my nephew and his daughter visited my house last Christmas - they talked about the "bad elves" wrecking their house.

Anybody explain please.


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All wrapped up in the ongoing craze no doubt.
wobbly vision
I thought this was

When my nephew and his daughter wrecked my house last Christmas ....

OK re read it - cant help - sozza
The Elves on the shelves JJ, they are a bit of fun, they get moved about the house from dec 1st, I had one one last year, locked it under a gin glass with it's back turned to me, it's a children's thing, they 'report back to santy' if you're naughty or nice but they can be bold and get you into trouble with the parents - it just something to play along with, i have some in the house at the moment, one is swinging from the lampshade - if any of my gran nieces, nephews come in, it raises a smile :)
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I never heard of it before - is it a new thing?
Started in 2004 (see link) and is still popular.
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ok - ta for answers.
me neither, jj. How are we oldies supposed to keep up with modern Christmases?

I never even saw an elf till I started drinking.
I don't need an elf. Dave lives with me..... ;-)
I hope your shelves are well reinforced, gness
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Gness - I thought you lived with a GIANT lol
We have three elves in our house. They don’t do naughty things, just move around after the little ones have gone to bed and give them something to look for the next is currently in the cloakroom, one on the curtain pole, and one upside down in the jar of kitchen utensils.
Last year, the elves kept us and the two little girls at the back, amused by their antics in the bedroom window.
Just a bit of fun.
^ Awesome :-) I did actually think it had stopped myself.

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