Those who gr3ew up on First steps in Latin will understand
this is the dative-ablative problem
F Ritchie Benaud in said book wrote that dative- "to or for"
ablative - "by with or from...."
vis et armis - - by force and by arms - - usually translated by for ce of arms - - labore et somethinngelse - by labour and somethig else
here we have - is "with" or is it "from" ?
it is VERY important ! - and additionally you can understand why people in past time cut each other throats over
homoousion - homo-what-ee-on?
see -
as opposed to homoiousion - homoy-what -ee on
the alternative or second choice
and worrabout 'filioque' - and from the son -
which are old equivalents of - - - is it from covid or wiv covid
some things never change