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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:31 Sun 19th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
90 Answers
morning, Sunday already, the week has whizzed by hasn't it. Up earlier than normal after a disturbing dream and can't get back to sleep. So with coffee on the go i wish you all well and hope you have as good a day as possible. I am not doing much today, do you have any thing planned? If anyone is mad enough to be awake at this hour, then come and keep me company.


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lol Naomi, its not, but i do have a bigger wheelie case.
Yes emmie...she'd need to isolate, and even though I've had all 3 jabs, I wouldn't want to be in close proximity. I'm hopeful because she was feeling better last night...not really unwell though a bit wheezy from what she said.
Morning Pasta xx
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fingers cross for you Pasta...
Morning minty x
We don't often meet ;)
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i am going to log out for now, so i hope you all have a lovely
day, take care.
Morning those who weren't here earlier x
Lol pasta hope you are well xx
Bye emmie xx me too need to get on xx
Have a good day, Minty and Emmie xx

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Good Morning Early Birds

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