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Well That’s My Hair Done Now

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Bobbisox1 | 11:49 Wed 22nd Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
A lovely silvery pale blue, I love it :0)


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Fabulous photos!
In answer to your very kind queries ladies - Youngsmow rang me an hour ago : his pcr COVID test result came back negative today! So they say the positive lateral flow test he did at home has given a false result. Which is good news, but how many have had false results?? Anyway he is clear so he can come over on Xmas eve as planned xx
Everyone else ok??
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So pleased for you Smow x
Awww thanks bobbi x. It sounds daft but all I could think of was what it really was positive - he will be sat all on his own in that flat all Xmas weekend with nobody with him, no presents to open, feeling poorly ……..guess that’s the mum instinct kicking in…….
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Of course it is Smow , xx
so glad he is negative smow, what a relief for you both.
I'm pleased to hear it too Smow. I meant to leave you a message yesterday, but forgot (old age!!)

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Well That’s My Hair Done Now

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