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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:33 Tue 28th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Morning Tuesday already where have the days gone
I hope that your Christmas is going well and that you are as well as can be


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morning Paddy xx
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Morning paddy
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Have you all enjoyed your Christmas so far
I suspect OH has kind of issued invitations for New Years Day.. so will need to write a list for shopping for that.... just when you think you have seen the last sausage roll/canape/cheesy thing in a dip...
! lol...
it has been nice emmie.. but will be good to return to proper routines and healthier living !
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I haven't gone overboard this year
me neither really...have a mountain of assorted choccie goodies ..biscuits..shortbread..crisps and nuts etc ...I suspect much of it will find a new home at the food bank or local old folks retirement complex
Morning all, the weekend is here for me - a quiet day today, a raid on Trurra tomorrow. Back to base yesterday lunchtime with my missing chattels and spent an hour unpacking those and putting up the paintings that I had kept at the sis' stage will be to get a bedroom wardrobe in but after the NY.
morning DT xx
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Morning dtc
oh up.. best get on..have a lovely day all xx
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Bye minty
Bye Minty xx

Better be moving myself - oh by the way, emmie, did you get your little ceremony completed yesterday?
I see you did - well done and nice to close that door, one that will never close the memories though......
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Yes posted earlier
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Because it was so windy both brothers got covered in ash lol

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Good Morning Early Birds

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