You ought to really draw up a list of jobs and prioritise.
Hopefully with an old property you got a full structural survey done which will have brought up and urgent jobs.
I'm thinking here particularly of damp from leaking guttering or failed roof elements and the like. This is the sort of thing which will get significantly worse over a winter and be much easier to address now when the weather's good and before you have tennents.
Similarly with any rotten woodwork like windows, floors, and plumbing such as dodgy boilers and the like.
I know it's tempting to think about going straight to 'fun jobs' like choosing decorations and fixtures etc. but you really should get any big nastys done first it'll be a pain when you have tennants
I don't know where you are or your target market but it's quite likely that money you spend on fixtures and fittings won't raise money you get in rent. - Sounds like you're aware of this.
You might consider upgrading things like carpets and curtains in your own house and reusing the ones you removed next door. Ditto kitchen appliances perhaps.
Whether it's for your own house or next door you can try: