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Best Remedies For Covid

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-SharonA- | 10:22 Wed 05th Jan 2022 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
I have tested positive and feel lousy. I have been taking paracetamol endlessly.
If you've had covid, what helped you???


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The best thing I found was sleep.
I ran out of pholcodine linctus for the cough but found a teaspoon of honey soothed it a bit. Hot water bottle for the chills, didn't need paracetamol for the temperature as I didn't have one. Ibuprofen for painful glands in the neck which I had at the very beginning. I also drank lots of water.
Oh yes, as above. Lots of sleep
Watching a TV series on catch up helped me.
Crawl under the duvet, let your other half cosset you ( make it sound worse than it is, as they do ) watch a few series/films and relax. You'll be fine in a day or two.
I took the excuse to sign up for a trial of Britbox, and watched every episode of series 1 of Unforgotten.

My biggest issue with covid was my digestive system, and only fancied eating rice and very plain foods
Lots of vitamin C, cold and flu remedies, sleep and rest
Sharon, I’ve escaped it thus far but I’m sending you get well soon wishes x
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Thank you Bobbi. Been sleeping most of day, now nursing a hot honey & lemon drink.
Sleep as long as you can, do as little as possible while awake.

It doesn't last, thank heavens.

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