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Towelheads again

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ecoman | 08:43 Sat 16th Sep 2006 | News
37 Answers
Anyone else on this site fed up to the back teeth with muzzies? Christ, you dare'nt even mention the word islam, and out come the flag burners and suicide bombers.


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I am sick of hearing about muslims telling us constantly about how they hate the western world but flock here in there hundreds of thousands.

They should be given a second class plane ticket and a free map to the nearest airport.
Now according to your mates, that would really be asking for trouble............
When I first read the question I thought he was fed up of moustaches! I thought this odd as they are not really in fashion. Joking aside, It bothers me not that he calls them towel heads's not like that description of them leaves you wondering who he is talking about. Hence, it is a crude analogy but nonetheless pictorally correct. Their turbans are indeed towel like.
How about good manners? How about using the correct words to describe someone instead of cheap jibes? How about dropping blanket prejudice about millions of people and condemning the individual transgressors rather than the whole group? How about realising that there are extremists in all religions? How about engaging brain before using mouth? How about...oh never mind.
I would suggest before any of us pull apart a religion or ethnic group people first read up a little and understand about it and them. At this point no reason to then point out a few weaknesses. However having said this, I still believe that constantly pointing fingers, highlighting peoples weaknesses and differences between us does nothing more than make everyones little more stressful and S**T basiscally!
Does anyone really think that one day some ethnic group or religious group is going to say, hey you're right you know, all those things you said about us, you were right all along, we will change our ways!
Don't work like that, accept we are all different and learn to deal with it and live together.
I'm not a left, hippy, student or any other label quoted for such views, just a realist.
scuz balls,
I think religion stinks !! Who says I can't say this ? Xtians ? Some,maybe. Muslims ? Find me one who says I've the right to say so.
I would like to highlight that various different religions use headwear (towels). In addition many muslims (muzzies) do not wear headwear (towels).
brionon - I do not follow any religion and belive that most religion does far more harm than good. However I still believe it is important for me to understand it.
Too true scuzzball - these common, semi-literate people coming on here expressing their feelings: it shouldn't be allowed on AB. Or even better, they should be the subjects of contraception. Us classy people should stick together.
I to am feb up with hearing of bombs, protests, killings and wanting to turn the UK into a muslim state but I also think that we shouldn't stoop to their level - Admarlow (infidel # 3,456,563)
The Questioner apears to have been reading too much media propganda, without actually analysing the root causes of the current (and rising) predjudice.

You must remember that being a Muslim is utterly different from being a Chrisitan, unless a seriously strong follower of Christ. The Muslim faith is not simply a matter of praying and going to Friday prayers, it is intrinsicallly woven into the eastern fabric of daily life, it is an all-embracing cultural way of living which Westerners find hard to understand.

Because of this attitude, by its very nature, The Muslim faith lends itself to a degree of fanatical following which is again embraced in a manner which Westerners, who are far more lassais-faire about almost anythng in life, find difficult to comprehend. It is this monority - and it is a minority - who descend into the fanatical acts and propoganda which currently tars the entire culture and faith as a bunch of loony Western-loathing bombers.

This misconception is seriously fulled by the PC media who are keen to foster the image that Moslems want the world to change to their way of life. It is not Muslims who dictate the notion of fear of religious offence, it is Western do-gooders who twist such ideas and propgate them.

The majority of Muslims live perfectly happily with other faiths, and have no desire to either bomb or subvert other cultures to their way of life.

Just like ecoman - some strong views make the news, the majority simply do not feel this way.
But andy-hughes wasn't that how it all started in Nazi Germany, a few fanatics slowly convincing all the moderate people?
Mash, you're right. I shall make an, in depth, study of the Tooth Fairy immediately.
My dear friends - well brionon and catso anyway - where have I argued that people shouldn't be able to express an opinion in this post? The answer - nowhere. The fact is that I have chosen to express my opinion about what I see as the offensive nature of the language used in the question - but I haven't reported it or tried to get it banned. And catso - class doesn't come into it -unless you think that offensive language and stupidity is the sole perogative of the 'lower classes' - and I certainly don't.
Admarlow. I'd say the fanatic leaders convincing the moderates to go against a whole culture in order to invade and conquer is clearly shown on this thread. Which country will be demonized and invaded next? You can bet your life it will be arab or communist.
but we don't invade any countries, we don't plan to stay there and we take nothing with us (bar a couple of hundred terrorists)
And stick them in concentration camps? Mmmm so familiar.

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