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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:45 Sun 09th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
morning, Sunday already, hasn't this week flown by. I hope you are all as well as can be and that your day is a good one. Anyone have plans for today? I will be meeting up with a friend for coffee later on, i haven't seen her since well before Christmas so we have a lot to catch up on.


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Have a good day you two xx - I got damp too out and about in Trurra for a wee shopping raid - shower time here as well.....
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forecast here is for a dry day, i hope it does as i don't fancy getting wet again.
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bye dtc, have a good day.

finished Jamaica Inn, what a cracking good read, must see if i can get some more of her books.
bye Lady xx me too time to get on have a great day folks x
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bye Minty, hope your cold goes soon, have a good day
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bye LJ, have a grand day
Morning, have you read 'Rebecca', emmie?
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morning Naomi
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i did a while back, another great read, enjoyed both, though they are chalk and cheese in their content.
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it took me two days to read Jamaica Inn, though i did guess the real criminal mastermind and the ending. I loved every minute. I must find Frenchman's creek...
'My Cousin Rachel' and 'The House on the Strand' are worth reading too.
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will look out for them thanks, did you read Jamaica Inn.... what a page turner..
Yes. I think I’ve read all her books.
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i like her writing, the characters really come alive.
She was certainly a master of her craft.
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i know Fowey where she lived quite well, it's a charming place full to brimming with character and grace, sadly it gets overrun with tourists during the summer months. I was one i guess, but like to think i kept off the main tourist haunts.
I know Cornwall very well but avoid it these days. Far too busy in summer.
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it is, i went there once on my own, Mr Em was working, and it rained the whole time, i got so depressed that i came back before the week was out.

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