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Lioness Leads Baby To Safety

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pastafreak | 16:18 Thu 13th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
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I saw that, it's amazing. It never really occurred to me (stupidly, obviously) that wild animals might have any particular conscience or feelings about who they eat....
I've seen a couple of similar videos on YT. The one that I remember most clearly ended badly when a male Lion took the baby away for a snack. I think that it was a Deer of some sort.

The cat with the ducklings is still good

not hungry, presumably. I don't think lions have an altruism gene.
Such a beautiful thing to see..
Jno, they hunt for the whole pride though, and even a baby would be appreciated by them all. They are designed to eat loads in one go. The instinct, should have been to kill, or ignore. Leading back to his family, is something else.
Not sure.
Not sure of?
I think it's a hormone thing - maybe she is feeling broody or has just lost a cub.

I wouldn't trust a cat of any description with a baby from another species.
I wouldn't trust any, automatically. But there are countless examples, where an animal has looked after babies of different species.
I've seen lions dick about with prey before...looks cute until the munches it.

Why does the vid not show what happens when the two part company?
lion munches*
There are some interesting videos about.

I just had a look on YouTube for examples, but too many to choose one.
Pixie, the video you posted was lovely.

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Lioness Leads Baby To Safety

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