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Happy Sunday…Not :0/

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Bobbisox1 | 13:31 Sun 16th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
96 Answers
Just tested positive for COVID but if it’s as mild as this I’ll be well chuffed,a bit of a heavy head and a bit ‘snotty’ but otherwise okay


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Yay, Chris! Good to hear :o)
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Great news Chris ; (delighted )
Good news Chris :-)
Good news Chris, upwards and onwards!
I really hope that you feel better soon.
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Thank you Music, I’m sure I will xx
Thank you, Bobbi, Tigger, Arky and Zylaphone ;-)
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‘We’re in this togetha…;0)
Good news, we're still up for that pint or three in the Shebeen!
Why stop at three, Gness?

Because there is a bit of a hill and a river to cross on the way home, Chris...and we'll be on my e-bike.
It happens, it's quite a common situation actually.
She is heart broken, the kids are upset, but all this wil be swept away by the waves of time.
Pain, anguish and hand wringing are a normal response to such events and they just need to be ridden out.......they will go.

Kids? they are more resilient than you give them credit for.

You only decision is whether to leave him or not and that I'm afraid AB cannot answer.

It will all come out in the wash.
LOL ooops wrong thread.
Swept away...ridden out...come out in the wash? Could apply, Sqad if Chris and I end up in the river. ;-)
I know Boris has let a lot of people down particularly yourself but let's face it - in the face of what he has come through (I'm not lover of his btw) - could anybody done any better - after all - it wasn't all his decision - he depended on the advice of politicians, scientists - it wasn't all his fault.

Don't get me wrong - I thank God - throughout the annus horribilis (2021) (sp) for all of us - I didn't come through what some many people came through - burying their loved ones without saying "Goodbye".
What has he come through, JJ? Partying when our relatives died alone?

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Happy Sunday…Not :0/

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