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How Much For A 10 Mile Taxi Journey?

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ladybirder | 15:54 Fri 21st Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I'm in the South and I know prices differ according to where you live but just need a general price please.


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Dave's on another planet!

Three quid a mile is a good guideline around here in East Anglia. (The 12 mile journey from my home to Ipswich Hospital cost me £35 a couple of years ago. The 4 mile journey to Stowmarket from here is usually around £12).

So my estimate would be about £30.
^^^ Actually, thinking about all the reports of taxi fare increases I've read in the local press over the past year or two (as taxi drivers have been struggling to survive during Covid), I'd put my estimate a bit higher than that, possibly around £35.
I think davebro and Danny are in a time warp.
Here, last time I used a cab, it was £5+ for the first mile.
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Pasta, Danny did say it was 1956 LOL.

Chris about £3 a mile seems to be the rate around here as well. I'm OK with that now I know I'm not being taken for a ride haha;-)
err - what's the difference between the Uber and a Taxi - thanks
For JennyJoan:
Uber vehicles use 'private hire' drivers, rather than taxis. Just like all private hire firms, they're not allowed to pick up in the street (unless pre-booked to do so) or at taxi ranks. Also, as with all private hire firms, their fares aren't laid down by local authorities; they're free to charge what they like.

With 'regular' private hire firms, customers phone for a car. With Uber though, everything is done via a smartphone app.

Most private hire firms charge the same rate for a particular journey, irrespective of the time or day or customer demand. However Uber uses 'airline pricing', where fares are quite cheap at off-peak times but much dearer when demand is high. (Customers are always quoted a fare before accepting a ride via the app though).
//Last time I took a taxi was from Manchester Airport to Bradford which cost £5.//

Crikey, were you carrying the red flag??????

We paid £8 in 1977 from Central Manchester to Bolton, 8 or 9 miles.
In the 00's we paid £50 from Manchester Piccadilly to Bolton after a delayed flight late at night.
^^^ This site states that Manchester Airport is 10 miles from Manchester Piccadilly and estimates the taxi fare at £35 (which just happens to exactly match my own estimate for a 10 mile journey above):

Taxi drivers don't have to stick to set rates for journeys outside of their licensing area, so it might be possible to negotiate a fare around £100 for a journey from Manchester Airport to Bradford but, at full rate, the fare would normally be at least £150.
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Amazing memories here to recall what you paid for a taxi ride so many years ago;-)
you shouldn't be paying more than 30 quid one way i would have thought.
What a lot of "hot air" for a simple question.
Three private hire companies local to me use their own apps that work in the same way as Uber. I find it much more convenient that booking on the phone - I can see how quickly the car will arrive and how much I will be charged before I book. And I don't need cash.
I would say £25 as a guess. However, you aren't just charged for the 10 miles you are travelling, the taxi has to get to you which will also be charged for. If they use a meter, it will no doubt be started from where they set off from and stop when you reach your destination.
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Barry, would booking that way give you the option of a car with a low entry point because you have a disability?
ladybirder, there are boxes to tick for requirements such as disabled/wheelchair or dog.
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Thanks Barry, that's good to know.

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