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Careless Journalism ?

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Canary42 | 00:19 Fri 28th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

"World's oldest gorilla found dead"

But if it's dead it's not the world's oldest.

[signed, Pedant]


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The gorilla formerly known as the world's oldest gorilla is dead.
He was the oldest MALE gorilla not the worlds oldest gorilla.
There are obviously a couple of female gorillas who are the worlds oldest.
He even survived covid.
well - the greatest living philosopher - Stephen ward or someone - fellow of All Souls - the oxford college for bright boys -
thought long on whether litter in a litter bin was er litter

he said - " for litter" - should be - "what would otherwise be litter if it werent placed in this bin" - - er long label

wow we pay people to think like this

Sparrow not ward - near tho
Maybe somebody should pop round though, Barsel, just to be sure. :-)
what about
"what was the worlds oldest gorilla now isnt as he is dead"

not really zippy is it? - no I am not referring to that monkey Andy
"...thought long on whether litter in a litter bin was er litter"

Later deemed rubbish?
RIP Ozzie.
yes no litter litters around
you can have rubbish in an attic -
but llitter - if it is in the wrong place, it is litter
I think sometimes pedantry is correctly sacrificed in the interests of ensuring the understanding of the story by The Man On The Clapham Omnibus.
He might have been musing on parking arrangements for one of those slave-powered day beds.
Yes ok Doug, I'll fly to Atlanta and take his pulse just to be sure. Not.

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