I got my results today and the bowel screening result was clear so that's me for another 2 years. However I had a lot of left sided pain lower stomach pain up until 4am. Strangely enough the only thing that helped was diazepam. I guess the colon is a muscle. Being a true scotsman I had haggis turnip and potatoes for tea last night , not sure if that irritated me. I'm suspecting diverticulitis would the only way to get a true diagnosis be a colonoscopy. ?
I've been having this pain on and off for 3 months mainly after I eat and at night and frequent movements immediately after eating with stomach cramps. But no blood so I have always assumed no blood nothing sinister
I know I suggest this a lot, but if you are intolerant to certain food, you can get a brilliant blood test from York tests online.
It may be that you are having problems because of a dietary thing, rather than a disease. You should definitely get a colonoscopy anyway, but a simple food allergy test could be the answer to why you get pain when you eat.