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And For Something A Bit Different...

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pastafreak | 19:44 Sun 30th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
...heres an orangutan driving a golf cart. Apparently it's at an animal park in Dubai and she really is driving it.



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I thought it was Boris looking for a party that will have him

But then it could be Donald Bananas Trump?
Right turn Clyde. :-)
Wow! They're super intelligent.
Probably remote control.. Fascinating tho..
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Apparently she has been driving since she was young...and it's not remote control. When I first watched, I thought dual steering wheels.
Well that's incredible! :-)
I imagine she's treated better than immigrant workers.
I like the occasional withering look towards the camera.
She's great, give her a Tesla and make her an Uber driver ( no pay, maybe a banana now and again ).
I thought it must be set up but it seems it is true.
The tiger didn't seem to impressed with the drive by.

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