I remember the toy but I don't remember having one. I think I must have seen them at friends's houses. A while ago in a vintage shop in Liverpool I saw a tin of Pick Up Monkeys. That brought back memories. (they wanted £30 for it)
I think the only shaker maker I can remember was an orange container I got from Tupperware , you had to put your plain flour, eggs and milk/water , shake like mad with the top secured, that was it, Yorkshire pudding mix
Bobbi, I remember something similar but it was to make a special sort of milkshake. Can't remember what was special about it, maybe it was a diet drink or something.
It is the original Shaker Maker that I remember but not that particular ad. I just remember someone shouting 'Shaker maker! Shaker maker! Shaker, shaker, shaker maker!'
They don't make them like they used to
There was another craft toy that I can't remember the name of, popular with girls.
It involved some sort of coloured liquid that set hard in a mould (usually to make jewellery). When set you could put all sorts of trinkets and shapes on top and cover with a clear liquid. The whole thing felt like plastic when it was hard.
Crikey, I remember red rubber moulds that we put plaster of paris in from the chemists, then painting them, disney characters in particular. I've not remembered that for nearly 50 years so thanks for the prompt :)
Yes, the smell! I'm sure I would know it now. I think the moulds were left upside down in a mug supported by 3 old ice-lolly sticks. I'm going to see if there are any nowadays for my grandchildren!